Leadership 2019-2020
God’s imparted his VISION, and in response, we’ve prayerfully re-imagined our STRUCTURES. Now, together with God’s Spirit, we’re inviting you to be the PEOPLE who meet God as you lead and seek to see the Asian American communities at UT transformed.
Vision: To see Christ followers developed and the Asian American communities at UT transformed.
Where on campus do you want to see God meet and transform students and faculty on campus?
Where on campus do you want to see God renew a certain part of campus?
Who on campus do you want to see developed to be a world changer?
Did you know that approximately 90% of Asian Americans at UT (9,000) are unengaged with the Gospel in a regular, incarnation basis?
What if you were part of seeing the 10% mobilized so that the 90% would be reached with the Gospel?
Structures: How AACM leadership will be organized next year! We know it’s not perfect, but we believe that it gives us more freedom to grow, multiply and reach out.
Small Group Ministry: Our vision is to see students and faculty transformed on campus by developing witness communities on campus that pursue Jesus through worship, community and mission. The hope is to develop students and faculty in these communities so that they will continue to develop and transform other on campus.
Roles might include: Small Group Coordinator, Small Group Trainer, Small Group Leader, Small Group Partner
Gathering Ministry: Our vision is to reach the campus by allowing students and faculty to hear and respond to God through our gathering spaces (large group, events, etc.). We believe that our God’s love and truth is worth of showing and telling. The hope is to develop students and faculty to encounter God through our spaces.
Roles might include: Gathering Coordinator, Large Group Director, Event Director, Community Director, Worship Leader
Formation Ministry: Our vision is to develop students and faculty to hear and respond to God personally in their lives. We believe that God is forming our souls as we continue to deepen our relationship with him. The hope is to develop students and faculty to grow in discipleship, spiritual formation, and practices/ sacraments.
Roles might include: Formation Coordinator, Prayer Director, Discipleship Director, Recovery Director
Outreach Ministry: Our vision is to reach the campus by allowing students and faculty to hear and respond to God in spaces where they personally might not seek out. We believe that God cares deeply about every corner of the campus. The hope is to develop student’s and faculty’s heart, skill, and confidence in sharing the good news to everyone on campus.
Roles might include: Outreach Coordinator, Connect Director, Cross Organization Director, Follow Up Director
New to Faith Ministry: Our vision is to develop students and faculty to hear and respond to God personally in their lives especially for their first time. We want to create spaces for seeker, questioning faith, or new to faith to meet and encounter God. The hope is to develop spaces for students and faculty to explore Jesus and grown in the foundations of faith.
Roles might include: New to Faith Coordinator, Seminar Leader, Prayer Ministry Leader, Groups Investigating God Leader
Admin and Communication Ministry: Our vision is to communicate the vision and help students and faculty hear and respond to God. We believe that we can use our administrative and logistic gifts and passion to strengthen and develop our ministry. The hope is to accelerate ministry forward so that more students and faculty can encounter God.
Roles might include: Admin and Communication Coordinator, Social Media Director, Design Director, Planner/Admin
Other: Is there another ministry/role that God is inviting you to consider that isn’t listed above. Please list the ministry/role below and share with us Please share, what would that role entail? Why would be good to having someone in that capacity?
People: Without you, the vision dies and the structures remain empty. As you read each ministry vision and discern leadership for next year, listen to God’s call and respond to him!
If you are applying for leadership for the first time, click here
If you are applying as a return leader, click here
God has been so faithful to grow our ministry this year, and we can’t wait to see what’s next. The leadership team are praying for our next leadership team. Consider joining AACM leadership to grow in your discipleship and see the UT campus renewed!
Have questions? Check out the Leadership FAQ. If your question isn't there, please reach out to core team or email Joseph at joseph.kwan@intervarsity.org.