Returning Leader Application and Process

Welcome back! Thank you so much for your investment in AACM. We’re excited you’re praying about how the Lord is inviting you to respond to his call!

If you are applying to be a leader for the first time, please go here.

As you prayerfully consider and apply for leadership next year, please take these steps:

As you prayerfully consider and apply for leadership next year, please take these steps:

  1. Download the application here (click me!). The first page is a reflection and prayer page, you don’t need to turn that in.

  2. Prayerfully fill out an application, and email it back to with the subject line as your full name and the file renamed as your full name. Applications are due on Wednesday, March 27th at 11:59 pm. Please be on time so that our leadership selection team has time to prep.

  3. Please read and fill out (click me!) the Leadership Check List, AACM Leadership Agreement, InterVarsity’s Purpose and Doctrinal Statement, and InterVarsity at UT Austin Covenant of Partnership. If you have any questions, please ask!

  4. You will need a reference (click me!) from your current leader or coordinator. Please send them the link early, and not after you submit your application!

  5. We will do Debrief Conversations from March 29 - April 4: Sign-up will be available after you turn in your application.