We are the Asian American chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at UT Austin.
AACM is an affiliate chapter of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, a nationwide ministry organization established in 1941. As of the 2016-2017 school year, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship consists of 1,100 campus staff members working with over 120,000 students and faculty in 1,015 chapters on 687 campuses in the United States. The vision of InterVarsity is to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed.
Our Purpose
We are a ministry for Asian American students dedicated to seeing live's transformed, the campus renewed, and world changers developed. We are pan-ethnic and seek to serve the Asian American community at the University of Texas at Austin.
Our Identity
As followers of Jesus, we are called to go out to all the nations in order to make disciples. At UT-Austin, we believe that the nations are at our doorsteps. As such, just as Peter preached to the Jews and Paul was sent to the Gentiles, we wish to reach those who identify culturally with Asians and Asian Americans and to provide a caring environment and community to pursue God and live life together. Even so, we welcome anyone from any walk of life to join us at any of our events. God has made us purposefully Asian American with unique gifts and talents, we can be empowered to reach the greater Asian American community on our campus.
Our Campus
We love the University of Texas at Austin. We do this by going to where the people are at instead of having them come to us. We follow the model of Jesus who did incarnational ministry by living among the people. We do this by living in the dorms, being active members in cultural clubs, and loving the campus and everyone in it.
InterVarsity at UT
We are 4 interdependent fellowships united to make disciples of Jesus at UT Austin. We seek to become a diverse movement of witnessing communities, sent to make disciples of Jesus in the city of Austin and beyond.
InterVarsity at UT Austin (IVUT) - We are a chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at UT Austin that is reaching the whole campus. Our desire is to seek and know more about Jesus, and how to respond to his love, grace, and truth.
Asian American Campus Ministry InterVarsity (AACM) - We are the Asian American chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at UT Austin. We exists to see Christ followers developed and the Asian American communities at the University of Texas at Austin transformed.
Grad InterVarsity Christian Fellowship - We are a multi-ethnic, interdenominational on-campus ministry focusing on the graduate and professional schools through our core values of spiritual formation, evangelism and service, community, and integration of faith and scholarship.
OneWay South Asian InterVarsity (OneWay SAIV) - We are the South Asian chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at UT Austin. We strive to be a witnessing community, growing in a relationship with Jesus and sharing his love with others at UT.